The picturesque Fife coastline inspires Yolandé’s paintings of quaint local houses, quirky wildlife and passing people. Her artwork has small detail, portraying stories, especially of how the local animals and birds relate to people going about their everyday lives. Each scene exemplifies how we all fit into the world together. Like the sea, these create the ebb and flow of everyday life by the coast. All the people and animals that live or visit become part of the landscape. To best capture these images, her preferred media is watercolour. Since coming to live in Fife in 2012, Yolandé has developed her artistic practice into a business. She has designed a range of products from her paintings, including jigsaws, coasters, tea towels, children’s activity books, poster art, calendars, fridge magnets, prints and greeting cards. She regularly exhibits and sells these alongside her paintings at events throughout Fife and Edinburgh. Additionally, she sells her giftware at a number of local retail outlets and museum shops. Yolandé continues to undertake commissions. Recent public commissions include painting a Scottie dog for the North East Fife Scottie’s by the Sea Art Trail and completing the replacement Anstruther Town Map.